Farming in early India
The following are notes on the development of Farming in Ancient India.
In this area much less is known of early crops due to the fact that the early writings of these civilizations have not been decoded. There is also a lot of difficulty determining the conditions under which the early people of this region lived. Evidence points to a monsoon type crop being raised in this area. Today there is no such crop being raised because of the climatic conditions. Because of this, many have theorized that there may have been a climatic change in this area between early man and modern day.
Some suggest that the climate may have been different from that of today when only 6 inches of rain fall. Most of the crop gown in the ancient times in the Indus Valley is likened to monsoon type crops. The typical monsoon crops of cotton, cane sugar and rice were grown in the Indus Valley where the Greeks first made acquaintance with them. (#10F pg 111) Some of the ancient Greek writing seems to support the idea that there was more rainfall then occurs today. (10F)
Harappa culture was very organized, though we do not know where they came from. The culture located itself settled on the Indus Plain which was formed by an alluvial deposit in layers.(10F)
This alluvial deposits made for very rich soil to grow their crops. In addition silt came down the Indus river in an annual flood. It is estimated that it was about twice the amount of silt which came down the Nile in Egypt.. (10F)
There are indications of the cities controlling the crop production and large grain storage areas. The size of the dams and other buildings suggests that it was a highly populated area for them to undertake such large projects. They built dams and drainage systems for their crops. In addition to the dams, there is evidence of terracing practiced by this early civilization. They had standards of weights and measures. They produced wheat, barley, sesame and dates. This crop large scale crop production is estimated to be established about 3000 B.C. (#17).