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Ruins of Temple of Karnak

Royalty Free Pictures*

     Feel free to use any of these images in your educational, non-comerical web pages or classroom presentations. Please include the following credit and links to Egyptian Picture Gallery on the bottom of any page where the images are used:

Images Copyrighted by & found at Egyptian Picture Gallery.

ruins of karnak


doorway at karnak


Images of Karnak and Luxor Temples

Page 1   Page 2   Page 3    Page 4      Page 5  
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Royalty Free Images

Temple of Karnak and Luxor

Karnak #1   Karnak #2   Karnak #3   Karnak #4   Karnak #5   Karnak #6 
    Columns #2    Columns #3   Columns#4   Columns#5
Columns #6   Columns #7   Columns #8   Columns #9

Luxor Columns #1   Luxor Columns #2   Luxor Columns #3 
  Luxor Columns #4

Obelisk #1   Obelisk #2   Obelisk  #3

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Thanks to the Kersker family for providing the above pictures.