Story of Farming

Early Farm Plows

Early Farm Implements

Early Farm Power

Early Farm Tractors

John Deer Tractors

Farm All Tractors

Steam and Other Tractors

Modern Tractors

Modern Implements

Food Production Data

History of Farm and Cities





Yield of Crop Land

Yield (Hg/Ha) 1961

Item Africa Asia (Former) China India Australia European Union (12) North & Central America United States of America South America
Fruit Primary 57194 65325 52275 86320 112,410 59860 144346 152837 127379
Rice, Paddy 14823 18585 20787 15419 59,000 53401 27745 38227 18246
Vegetables Fresh nes 57175 82182 118442 65054 206,408 132786 164039 234949 47968
Wheat 6929 7486 5591 8507 11,291 19310 13343 16070 11358

Yield (Hg/Ha) Year 2000

Item Africa Asia (Former) China India Australia European Union (12) North & Central America United States of America South America
Fruit Primary 67408 93288 79642 111883 156,588 105997 171639 250482 145421
Rice, Paddy 22063 39369 62406 30269 96,552 62788 55602 69626 35452
Vegetables Fresh nes 65777 144866 170158 100000 358,333 177022 152634 617647 46720
Wheat 16317 27614 38076 26213 19,313 57834 27939 28117 23838

Percentage of Yield in 2000 compared to 1961

Africa Asia (Former) China India Australia European Union (12) North & Central America United States of America South America
Fruit Primary 117.86% 142.81% 152.35% 129.61% 139.30% 177.07% 118.91% 163.89% 114.16%
Rice, Paddy 148.84% 211.83% 300.22% 196.31% 163.65% 117.58% 200.40% 182.14% 194.30%
Vegetables Fresh nes 115.05% 176.27% 143.66% 153.72% 173.60% 133.31% 93.05% 262.89% 97.40%
Wheat 235.49% 368.88% 681.02% 308.13% 171.05% 299.50% 209.39% 174.97% 209.88%

All Data From FAO Database - Data set is from 1961 - present and can be searched by a multitude of factors.  Excellent information source.

Notes on table about - China and India would be included in Asia Former and United States would be included in figures of North and Central America.

More Data

Land Planted for Crops    Food Production    Per Capita Food Production

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