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Middle Ages Biographies

Welcome to History Link 101's Middle Ages Biography Page.  Here you will find excellent links to famous people of the Middle Ages.   Find artists, church leaders, reformers, kings, queens, and more.


Donetello Biography and pictures.
        Visual = 5 Content = 4    D0010
Donetello One page biography.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0020

Botticelli, Sandro 
Biography and Pictures  Biography with most of his paintings with interpretations by History Link 101.
        Visual = 5  Content =4  D0030


Giotto Di Bondone
Giotto Site Full site with all his works and extensive biography.
        Visual = 5  Content =5   D0040
Giotto Di Bondone One page essay on this pre-Renaissance painter.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0050

Lenardo Da Vinci
Biography on Science and Art Very nice site with good amount of material both on art and his science idea.
           Visual = 5 Content = 5 D0060
Lenardo Da Vinci Life Site with basic information and item on the "Da Vinci Code" in movies and books.
           Visual = 3 Content = 4 D0070
Lenardo's Drawing 54 of his famous drawings.
           Visual = 5 Content = N/A  D0080

Lorenzo De Medici (Patron of the Arts)

Brief Biography Has links to all the other family members of the DeMedici
       Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0090

Brief Biography By Britannica, Has links to major events and people connected to him.
       Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0095


Michelangelo Buonarroti
Michelangelo Buonarroti Extensive biography.
       Visual = 4 Content = 5    D0100
Michelangelo by History Channel One page essay
        Visual = 3  Content =5  D0110

Raphael Sanzio
Raphael Sanzio Biography and pictures from WebMuesum.
        Visual = 5 Content = 4    D0120

Church Leaders

St. Thomas Aquianas
St. Thomas Aquianas By Catholic Encyclopedia.  Very extensive site.
        Visual = 1 Content = 5    D0130
Essay on St. Thomas Aquianas Large set of essays by Jacques Maritain Center.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0140
One page Essay
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0150

St. Francis of Assisi
Biography By Catholic Encyclopedia.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0160

St. Augustine (of Hippo)
Essay on Augustine's Influence on Christianity
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0170
Catholic Encyclopedia on Augustine
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0180

St. Benedict of Nursia
Biography By order of Saint Benedict.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0190
Biography from Catholic Encyclopedia
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0200

Desiderius Erasmus
Biography by Catholic Encyclopedia
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0210
One Page Essay
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0220

Complete list of Popes With links to biographies on each by Catholic Encyclopedia.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0240


John Calvin

Biography from Catholic Encyclopedia 
     Visual = N/A Content = 4    D0250
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin In downloadable form of either PDF or RTF and ZIP files.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0260

Martin Luther
Detailed Time Line Page has links to four pages with detailed time lines of Luther's life.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0270
One page Biography Consise essay on Luthers life.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0275

Journal of John Wesley (later date then Middle Ages - but believe it fits with other reformers). 
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0280

John Wycliffe
Few illustrations From Wycliffe Bible Translators.
        Visual = 5 Content = 3    D0290
Biographical Links By Christian Biographical Resources.
        Visual = 1 Content = 5    D0300

 Kings and Queens

Atilla the Hun Short essay on invasion of Italy with map.
        Visual = 3 Content = 5    D0310

Fredrick Barbarossa One page essay on this Holy Roman Emperor and King of Germany.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0330

Biographies of top 10 English Kings and Queens From 600 A.D. to present day.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0340

Charles Martel
Charles Martel By Catholic Encyclopedia.
       Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0350
Charles Martel By Britannica with link to other sites.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0360

Charlemagne from Catholic Encyclopedia
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0370

Queen Elizabeth I Complete site on Queen Elizabeth I.  Includes links to quotes, writing, pictures, and additional sources which include over 20 other biographies.
         Visual = 5 Content = 5    D0380

Ferdinand and Isabella
Isabella I  By Catholic Encyclopedia.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0390

Henry VIII
Biography by Catholic Encyclopedia Be aware of point of view.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0400
Six Wives of Henry VIII Nice in-depth site on Katharine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, and Katharine Parr.
       Visual = 5 Content = 5    D0410

John I (Lackland)By Britannia.
        Visual = 1 Content = 5    D0430

Emperor Justiain I
Emperor Justinian By Catholic Encyclopedia.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5     D0440

William the Conquer
Biography by Catholic Encyclopedia
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0450



Geoffery Chaucer
Time line of Chaucer Side by side details of historical events and Chaucer's life.  Lots of advertising for books but an interesting page.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0470
Biography from Catholic Encyclopedia
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0480
One page Essay
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0490

Dante Alighieri
One page Essay
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0510

William Shakespeare
 Shakespeare Research Center Very nice site with lots of information and links to other good sites.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0520   
William Shakespeare Large site with good amount of information on play writer.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0530

Other Notables           

Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc Bibliography by Catholic Encyclopedia.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0540
One Page Essay
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0550
Trial of Joan of Arc 
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0560

Eleanor of Aquitaine
Eleanor of Aquitaine
        Visual = 2 Content = 4    D0570

Eric the Reds Saga
     Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0580

Nicolaus Copernicus
One page Biography
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0590
Biography from Scientific Perspective
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0600

Lief Ericson
Report by Kevin A. Weitemier    
        Visual = 1 Content = 4    D0610


John Gutenberg
One page Biography
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0630

The Galileo Project Very in-depth site of times of Galileo.  Information about Galileo, himself, is scattered thought out site. Links to other people and works during time of Galileo.  Good site for more in-depth research. 
        Visual = 3 Content = 4    D0640 

Marco Polo
One page Essay
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0660


Saldin One page essay on this Islamic leader of the Third Crusade.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0670
Robin Hood Project Site linking to illustrations and writing about the legend of Robin Hood.
        Visual = 5 Content = 5    D0680

Sir William Wallace Historical person depicted in movie Braveheart.
        Visual = 5 Content = 5    D0690


Other Biographies Sites

Forty-five One Page Biographies Covers many important people in Middle Ages.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0700

English Monarchs in Middle Ages Covers eighteen reigns with one page essays.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0710

English Kings and Queens of Middle Ages Covers period from 866 to 1603 AD.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0720

French Monarchs in Middle Ages From 768 to 1547 AD with short biographies on each.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0730

Rulers of Scotland Full list with selected biographies.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0740

Queens and other Famous Women of Middle Ages Over twenty-five biographies.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0750

Famous People and Monarch of Middle Ages Organized alphabetically with color codes to indicate the century in which they lived. Links to genealogies and short biographies.
        Visual = N/A Content = 5    D0760